About Us

Âme Atendre™ is a luxury tableware brand with a mission to help people connect to all that matters.

Our Design Process


Our design process at Âme Atendre™ starts and ends in the home. When working on a new product or a new collection, we always begin by looking at our own spaces. We find the key to good design is seeking moments within a space that can be elevated or re-considered without changing the flow of the space itself. What’s wonderful about homes is that we all live within them in different ways, and so our objects are designed not to prescribe new ways of living, but to enhance ways that already work for our customers.


Once we land on a basic concept for a piece, we typically spend months ideating on form, material, composition and overall function of the piece in question. This process often moves from pen and paper to digital renderings to mock ups and then back to paper again, often many times. We are as focused on the functionality of the piece in our day and age, from the ability to pick it up and move it, to the ability to easily wash it, as we are on the optical impression of the object. Our process is cyclical, as unrelated pieces are developed they often begin to inform one another. The design of our red oak serving board came from one such occasion as we designed the wooden mold for crystal tumblers and found the texture was just as exceptional in wood as it was in glass.


While we finalize internal development on a product, we begin reaching out to studios we think can execute our vision in both form and quality and become trusted partners within our overall mission. This searching process is a slow endeavor that takes us around the world in both a digital and physical sense. In this phase we get to meet artisans, visit studios and collect and create samples and prototypes.


Once we find the right producer for a design, we begin the cycle with the studio. We make samples, test materials, colors and even manufacturing processes to achieve the right look and optimize functionality within each of our pieces. Our pieces are often reliant on extremely refined hand made processes that require the expertise of talented artisans to bring them to life.


After sampling is completed we begin production. We typically produce in a “small batch” fashion, which means our products are made in small quantities often using traditional methods.


Our small batch production style allows us to make room for perhaps the most important step of all, user feedback. We look forward to customer feedback as our goal is to offer products that meet our customers needs and desires. Please feel free to send us your comments and suggestions here.

“We need to get people to sit down at a table and re-learn how to honor their differences. What better way to do that than designing and creating objects that bring people to the table in the first place? Ultimately, we want our customers to feel that our products help them connect to themselves and those in their lives in a constructive and relevant way.”